Cleaning up, studies, cooking, coffee, some vanity and autumn closing in - random shots from the weekend, daytime edition.
Rikoin lempilautaseni (surutyö on raskas. Onneksi näitä on vielä toinen ehjänä).
Broke my favourite plate and my heart, thankfully I at least have one more of these.

Tällä hetkellä iltalukemisena Fernando Pessoan Book of Disquiet.
At the moment in reading Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet.

Opiskelupolttoaine nro 1 - pähkinät
There is a good reason for why they call this kind of stuff "the student food"
Pieni mietelauselappunen tuli joskus suklaapatukan sisällä, pidän sitä peilinkulmassa tuomassa optimismia aikaisiin aamuihin.
This slip of paper came with a chocolate bar, I keep it to get some hope in early hopeless mornings.
Hey, your blog is wonderful, I really love your photos :) <3
PoistaThanks a lot for your comments, lovely to hear you're liking my little blog :) Also to answer the other questions, yes, we Finns eat a lot of potatoes (though not as fanatically as Estonians) I've just always hated them. Yes, Tartu is one of the most beautiful places to bike (especially downhill ofc). And Yes, those are wild mushrooms, just a fraction of the weekend's harvest, if you can call it that :D