I've had such a great Monday evening! And I did so last week too! Seriously speaking now, what is this? I'm fairly sure the moodlift is thanks to yoga course our student society organized us. Classes are held conveniently on Monday, eight pm, exactly when you need some extra calm and balance the most. Too bad there's so many of us interested that it's impossible for everyone to fit in every week, so in the name of solidarity I think I'll be taking my yoga mat to my own living room next week. After yoga the best thing to do is come home, make some hot chai, light candles and cuddle up in sofa corner to watch some mindblowing beautiful movies. One of those is my all-time favourite, cold war thriller without any annoying action scenes and instead plenty of wit and shadiness - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Great rolework too, absolutely gorgeous. So even though I spent a fairly busy weekend visiting my family in Finland, came home late on Sunday, and this morning started like only Monday morning can, after all the good vibes and dose of zen this evening I think I'm ready to face the coming week.
Uudet vanhat lautaseni, matalat ja sopivan pienet Rörstandit.
My "new old" plates, retro Rörstrand from Sweden
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