Greetings from two weeks ago - some quite old pictures ahead tonight! I've had such busy time, school is really getting nasty now with all the tests and works to do. It's not that it'd be impossibly difficult, there's just not enough time. Halfway milestone for autumn semester has passed, clock's have been turned to winter time and I've been living in Tartu for over two months now. Time is taking up a strange shape - it feels like we started school just few weeks ago, and on the other hand like I would've been here for so much longer than I actually have.
Kun muutama viikko sitten kuvasin näitä, valon sävy oli juuri muuttunut, talviaurinko paistoi talviväreissä, ilmassakin melkein tuoksui talvi, ei ihan vielä, muttei syksy enää kuitenkaan. Puut ovat melkein lehdettömiä nyt, tammet ja lehmukset eivät haluaisi vielä luopua omistaan. Koko viikon oli kylmä, tuuli pohjoisesta ja lämpimillään taisi olla nelisen astetta lämmintä, yöt reilusti pakkasella, aurinko paistoi. Tänään taas on harmaata ja tuuletonta, plussalla, ensi viikolla lämpötilan ei pitäisi laskea nollan alle lainkaan. Harmi sinänsä, odotan jo talvea, vaikka syksy on ihana ja täällä erityisen kaunis. Puhun paljon säästä, seuraan sitä aika innostuneena, vuodenajan vaihtuminen uudessa paikassa on jännittävää.
About these photos, when I took them the colour of light had just changed. It was winter sun shining, wintery scent lingering in the air. The trees had lost their leaves already, it was cold and crisp, nights well below zero, some days too. Now it's grey and windy, winter sun is gone, and it has gotten so dark. Next week's weather forecast isn't promising any change either, which is kind of sad, even though autumn here has been gorgeous. Truth is I'm already waiting for the winter. A real winter, one with cold days and hopefully snow too. So I ramble a lot about weather these days, watching seasons turn in a new place is interesting, it has something magical in it.
About these photos, when I took them the colour of light had just changed. It was winter sun shining, wintery scent lingering in the air. The trees had lost their leaves already, it was cold and crisp, nights well below zero, some days too. Now it's grey and windy, winter sun is gone, and it has gotten so dark. Next week's weather forecast isn't promising any change either, which is kind of sad, even though autumn here has been gorgeous. Truth is I'm already waiting for the winter. A real winter, one with cold days and hopefully snow too. So I ramble a lot about weather these days, watching seasons turn in a new place is interesting, it has something magical in it.
Ruokarintamalla on ollut säpinää, tänäänkin pistin pikaisen testikeittiön käyntiin ja hyvää tuli taas. Näistä lisää myöhemmin. Yritän tässä muutaman päivän sisään maratoonata blogiin postauksia parin viikon edestä, kuvia on pässyt kertymään kameraan. Mitään en kuitenkaan lupaa, kiire ei hellitä ja anatomian atlas sekä labraraportit odottavat.
I've also been messing with food lately, a lot, and testkitchen was on tonight too. But about cooking I'll write you later. I'll try to put up a few posts during next few days but no promises though. I have lots of great photos and even more to say, but time is precious.
I've also been messing with food lately, a lot, and testkitchen was on tonight too. But about cooking I'll write you later. I'll try to put up a few posts during next few days but no promises though. I have lots of great photos and even more to say, but time is precious.
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